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Eidgenoessiche Technische Hochscule Zuerich (ETH Zurich)

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, is one of the leading international universities in natural science and technology. In international rankings it is consistently ranked as the first university in continental Europe. It has more than 20 000 students from over 110 countries, including close to 4000 doctoral students. Its departments and research and competence centres cover a broad range of disciplines from natural to engineering sciences, and beyond.

The Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management (HWRM) deals with teaching and research activities in the field of surface water hydrology and of water resources analysis, planning and management. The research priorities of the HWRM Chair concentrate on understanding and modelling the physical processes of the hydrological cycle, as well as the effects of the anthropogenic forcing on hydrology, water resources and the environment. The Chair has considerable experience in leading national and international interdisciplinary projects, thereby including EU funded projects.


Paolo Burlando
Professor and Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management Institute of Environmental Engineering