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1st Senegal Dialogue

  • 19.10.2022
  • Dakar

The first dialogue on the Senegal river basin will take place on 19th and 20th of October in Dakar, Senegal. It will bring together the main stakeholders involved in the management of the river at the basin scale, covering 4 countries (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal).

The first objective is to collectively identify the major issues of the water-energy-food-environnement (WEFE) nexus in the basin: what are the trade-offs between the different sectors/uses? Where are the tensions on water resources and between stakeholders? The second objective is to discuss major changes that affect or will affect by 2050 the water resources and its uses. This work will provide key elements to co-design scenarios of long-term changes to be discussed in the next step of the participatory process. This dialogue comes after a first analysis of the issues of the WEFE nexus by BRGM scientists, through a bibliographic review and semi-structured interviews conducted by Rahim Ouedraogo. The workshop will be built on this initial analysis.