Shining a light on a young researcher: meet Tamara Keijzer
Every few months GoNexus puts the spotlight on our young researchers. These are researchers who have recently graduated with their PhD, who are currently studying, and/or who contribute actively to the research of the GoNexus project.

This month we put the spotlight on Tamara Keijzer, a PhD student at Radboud University in the department of Environmental Science, and scientific researcher at the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in the department of Nature and rural areas.
What do you do for GoNexus? Is it the first project you’ve worked on?
As a part of GoNexus, I further develop, extend and apply the GLOBIO-species model for freshwater fish. This model is part of the model toolbox and represents the last ‘E’ in WEFE; standing for ‘ecosystems’. This is one of the first projects I have worked on. The other project I am working on is BIOMONDO, one of the Biodiversity+ Precursors from the European Space Agency (ESA), which aims to aid and develop Earth observation-supported biodiversity assessments in fresh water.
What is the most interesting thing you learned so far working on GoNexus?
I am happy to have learned a lot about the different models and approaches regarding each aspect and scale of the WEFE Nexus. As it is my first time working on a project this size, I am impressed by the number of people working together not only within the project but also outside the project team regarding stakeholder interaction.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are you working on?
I am very interested in the impacts of natural and human-induced pressures on the environment, and eager to learn new things. Furthermore, I like modeling because it is like solving a puzzle. Therefore, I am happy with what I am doing now and will see what the future brings.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An archeologist, as I really enjoy (natural) history museums (and also Indiana Jones movies!) or something with animals. Though I am still very interested in history and I am happy that with my current work, I can have an impact on the present or future.
Who is your science idol? Someone you wish you could have a conversation with (from the past or contemporary).
I don’t really have a science idol. I do however admire enthusiastic, kind, ambitious and laid-back colleagues.
Which GoNexus research outcome/WP/expert are you most excited to learn about or collaborate with?
I am very much looking forward to and curious about the outcomes of different scenarios and solutions after we have combined the WEFE models.
If GoNexus held a party, which song would you request from the DJ?
Don’t stop me know by Queen as it is a real feel-good song to dance to.