Over the 4-year project, eight case studies will dive into the WEFE issues focusing on the role of Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem governance. Diverse in terms of their climate, geography, economic issues, and politics, six will be based on river basins in Europe and Africa and two tackling the global and EU issues.
GoNexus researchers will monitor the river basins in dialogue with local stakeholders and apply this knowledge to future scenarios, tools and solutions.
Lake Como
A highly controlled water system
Júcar river basin
Juggling water demand and availability
Senegal River basin
Balancing infrastructural developments with traditional use
Tagus-Segura river basins and water transfer
The largest inter-basin water transfer in the Iberian Peninsula
Zambezi river basin
The fourth largest river basin in Africa
Global Region
Working towards a coordinated and sustainable management of the WEFE nexus across regions worldwide
EU Region
Collaborating on a coordinated and sustainable management of the WEFE nexus on the continent.